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Business is all about Communications

What's the buzz on your company?

"Miscommunication is the bane of business, leading to inefficiency, errors and costly mistakes."

- Sharon Ziemek, President

Publishing Division - TNY Books

  • Book Publishing
  • Manuscript editing and formatting
  • Ghost Writing
  • Publication design services
  • Book Cover Design
  • Non-fiction, fiction, anthologies, memoirs - layout and publication
  • Proofreading

Marketing Division - TNY Media

  • Capabilities sheets
  • Event flyers
  • Bi-fold or Tri-fold brochures, posters and postcard designs
  • Business presentations and trainings
  • Business cards, letterhead, forms, etc.
  • Integrations of branding throughout your company
  • Videos w/ or w/o voice-over – teasers, trainings, ads
  • Video editing and subtitles
  • Social media set-up and training
  • Proofreading
  • Small to Medium Product Photography
  • Media alteration/AI enhancement

Non-Business Assistance

  • Personal Photo repair/alteration/enhancement
  • Low-cost Non-profit newsletter/media layout assistance


Sharon Ziemek, President

+1 (864) 602-1991 [email protected]

Schedule a phone call to discuss your goals or learn more HERE

or use our convenient Contact Form to request more information.

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"The world gets to know you by how you communicate with them, whether you are dealing within the microcosm of your corporate structure, servicing existing clients or customers, or reaching out to the part of the world that doesn't know you yet. In today's fast changing world, more than ever, you need to be clear, concise, and consistent in your communications. Unfortunately, there are many businesses who purposely utilize vague and misleading communications to sell themselves or their products, creating victims rather than employees, clients or customers."